目前分類:女兒柔柔學琴 (3)

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習琴三個月,今天柔柔首次公開表演, 背譜彈她最愛的 “雪橇”


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柔柔至今學琴滿3個半月,這禮拜 5 要在學校集會表演了。


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6嵗的柔柔至今學琴滿3個月,依然堅持每天練琴一小時。她有一本固定學習的進度本,外加兩本程度相似的演奏曲,就是他所謂的 ”我喜歡彈的歌“。《雪橇》是她學琴滿10週隨意翻閲樂譜自選練習的。 孩子能有個穩定的進度,同時又可以快樂學習喜歡的自選曲,是一個再好不過的平衡。

This is 6 year old Arielle's progress after 10 week's of piano learning from mum. Up until today, she has has been playing for three months, and still insists in practicing 1 hour everyday. She has a lesson book where steady progress is kept, and two other additional books in which she calls "my favorite songs". <The Sleigh> was chosen from those books after she flipped through the books and found interest. It's so vital for kids to learn piano with a steady progress, yet playing the instrument with joy in the pieces they love.

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